Problem with recorder


I am running ver 2022.5.5 - I experienced problem with recorder - entries in logbook and history are not recorded.
I have reconfigured recorder to use MariaDB (on my NAS). I can see that HA have inserted some records there so reconfiguration worked but it did not solve the problem - still I see only events older than a few hours back.

Interestingly - in Logbook I can see lates event stamped 3:39 PM, while in MariaDB I see 1.30 PM - I do not see any errors in log related to recorder…

Any hint?

Best regards,


SOLVED: Realised I had problem with NTP working correctly :slight_smile:
For some reasons Hassios was not setting up correct time. Saw in some posts people had simiar problems and they installed local NTP service - which helped…

Best regards,


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