Problem with rpi_gpio

The problem is, that i cant control my GPIO ports. I added this basic example :

  • platform: rpi_gpio
    11: Fan Office
    12: Light Desk

to my .yaml file and then I restart the homeassistant. I received the error "Invalid config. The following components and platforms could not be set up: rpi-gpio, switch:rpi_gpio

It also doesn’t work with binary_sensor and so on…
I searched a lot and found this guy with the same issue:
But there is no awnser too.


I received this Error Message:

It’s working on my pi 3B.

What model raspberry pi are you using?

Do you have any other component that uses the GPIO? There’s a warning in the component docs that says “Note that a pin managed by HASS is expected to be exclusive to HASS.”.

One other thing, please edit your post and format your code as per the blue banner at the top of the page. Indentation is important in yaml and we need to see it to make sure it is correct.