Problem with scenes "failed to call service scene/turn_off

I’m just getting started here but this is driving me crazy… I have 8 zwave enabled blinds from Sofos that have worked with SmartThings. I’ve discovered them and can operate them with automation and with buttons on the HA dashboard. This is my first attempt to create a scene so it’s likely I’m doing something silly…

I’m trying to open or close the blinds all at once with a scene. I’ve created the scenes below… Yaml didn’t copy/paste well so I tried to include a screen grab…

- id: '1633625346017'
  name: Close all blinds
      current_position: 0
      friendly_name: Blind1
      icon: hass:blinds
      supported_features: 15
      device_class: blind
      state: "closed"
      current_position: 0
      friendly_name: Blind2
      supported_features: 15
      device_class: blind
      state: "closed"
  icon: hass:blinds
- id: '1633625420717'
  name: Open all blinds
      current_position: 100
      friendly_name: Blind1
      icon: hass:blinds-open
      supported_features: 15
      device_class: blind
      state: open
      current_position: 100
      friendly_name: Blind2
      supported_features: 15
      device_class: blind
      state: open
  icon: hass:blinds-open

Next on the home dashboard I created a grid and 2 buttons, one to open all blinds and one to close that reference the scenes,

type: grid
  - type: button
    entity: scene.open_all_blinds
    icon: hass:blinds-open
    show_state: false
      action: toggle
  - type: button
    entity: scene.close_all_blinds
    icon: hass:blinds
    show_state: false
    show_icon: true
      action: toggle
columns: 2

When I click on either “Open all blinds” or “Close all Blinds” buttons I get the following error message and no action takes place… Failed to call service scene/turn_off. Scene not found. I’m confused about where the scene/turn_off is coming from?

If I “activate” the scene, in the scene window it works as expected but I can’t get it to work in a button from the dashboard??? What am I missing?

Thanks in advance.

Try this:

type: button
  action: call-service
  service: scene.turn_on
  service_data: {}
    entity_id: scene.YOURSCENE

Ah, I get it now… That worked.
