Problem with Scenes

I’m trying to get some scenes set up but I can’t seem to create even the most basic types of scenes, e.g.:

  - name: LivingRoomLightsFull
      light.ph5_light: on        

The error I’m getting on the config check is:

Invalid config for [scene]:

required key not provided @ data[‘states’][0][‘entities’]. Got None

required key not provided @ data[‘states’][0][‘name’]. Got None.

(See /config/configuration.yaml, line 161). Please check the docs at Scenes - Home Assistant

Can’t for the life of me figure out what’s going on. I copied the code straight from the Scenes page on the HA website so I doubt it has to do with any formatting errors in the code. I’ve also double-checked my configuration.yaml and the only reference to scenes is the very last row:

scene: !include scenes.yaml

Remove the line scene: from scenes.yaml

What you’re effectively putting is

    - name: living....

Which is obviously invalid.

Imagine !include to mean “go to the next line, go two spaces in, and insert the contents of the file”.

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That did it! Thank you.

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Had same issue, worked for me too. Not easy being a noob at this. Thanks man :slight_smile:

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