Problem with Schlage BE369

I have a raspberry Pi3, Aeotec Z-stick gen5 ZW090. They seem to work fine. I was able to add a dimmer switch on my zwave network and I’m able to control the light.

I try to add my schlage BE369 to the network without any success. The lock was previously on a vera 2 network. But this vera 2 don’t boot anymore. I try to reset the lock like they said in the manual. I try to remove the lock from is network like they said to do in all docs. But each time I try the PC code + “schlage button” + 0 I have no success. He wait and beep tree time in Red.

How can I reset to factory default including the zwave config?

yes I have my network_key configured :).

Did you ever figure this out? I’m failing miserably at pairing my Schlage with HA and my Aeotec Z-stick. In my case, it’s never been paired before (or has it?). I’ve reset to factory many times, but I just can’t get it to pair with HA.

Honestly I write to schlage support and explain my problem. They ask me to make few test and they finaly change the lock for free. I think they said it’s probably a voltage problem.

Very good service! little be long for a answer and the shipping was not very fast but … it’s free so… For sure my next lock will be a Schlage