Problem with setting up imageprocessing with dlib_face_detect


I have installed Home Assistant on Raspberrry PI3 thru All-in-One installer and playing around with it for over a month now. Needless to say, getting addicted to it by trying out all new stuff, as much as I can.

I have couple of old Android phones and using them as dedicated android_webcams with HA.
Now upon relase of version 44.1 I was excited to use the image procssing / face recognition and tried to set up the dlib_face_detect and dlib_face_identify.

But at the very first step, I got the following errors and not sure what I’m missing. Please advise.

The following components and platforms could not be set up:

MY Config file has the following entries:


  • platform: dlib_face_detect

    • entity_id: camera.webcam1
      name: Find Face
  • platform: dlib_face_identify

    • entity_id: camera.webcam1
      name: Known Face
      kv: /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/www/faces/Raja.jpg

As such I’m stuck without able to proced to use the automation.

Any help will be appreciated.