I have an add-on that push data through the MQTT server. When i look in the MQTT server, i see the data with the correct timestamp format, with GMT-5.
when i look in the dev tools on home assistant, i see that the dates are with GMT-0, and not GMT-5.
Next critical peak end 2025-01-08T14:00:00+00:00
device_class: timestamp
icon: mdi:clock-end
friendly_name: hydroqc_maison Next critical peak end
hydroqc_maison Next critical peak start 2025-01-08T11:00:00+00:00
device_class: timestamp
icon: mdi:clock-start
friendly_name: hydroqc_maison Next critical peak start
In my settings, config, general i have GMT-5 set as my timezone.
What could be the problem?