Problem with toggle switches


I’m using:

core 2024.1.2
supervisor 2023.12.0
Os 11.3
Frontend 20240104.0
… on a raspberry 3

Have several switches (sonoff mini, mini r4 via alexxit integration; and also gosund switch via Tuya) which I can turn on from Lovelace but immediately after I turn them on their toggle switch moves back to off (even though the light itself doesn’t turn off). Turning on and turning off works well from ewelink and smartlife, and they display correct status, but hassio does not.

Icon of the switch doesn’t display the correct status (or or off) and if I want to turn off any switch I need to toggle on and then toggle again to off before the toggle switch changes status itself.

Physical switches (only for sonoffs) working fine, but status not updated in hassio either. No automations/scenes involved, I don’t face same issue with Meross switches. I reloaded all integrations, rebooted raspberry, but still same issue.

Any clue?

Thanks for reading and trying to help :slight_smile:



That’s good because hassio has not existed for many years now. I think you mean HAOS.

This always means that home assistant is not getting the required state feedback from the switch.

same problem with Lupusec switches (Alarm System).
Problem exists with Lupus2MQTT and native Lupusec integration…

Maybe HA related?

I do have the same problem with Lupus2MQTT .


Any idea how to get more information aboit this problem? And how to fix it? As far as I learned it has something to do with 2024 version, hasn’t it?


I have had a similar problem for a while now. Have a local tuya device that was working as desired. At some point that I cannot identify exactly, the switch is stuck in the on position. Calling the toggle service will not work on this switch either. But manually using the toggle works. To get the device to work, I have to toggle off and then back on manually. Cant get an automation to make the switch change state.