Problem with understanding symbols for lights and switches

I am a ioBroker user from day one and my home is controlled by a really big ioBroker Instance. However I am fed up with the update policy and want to switch to home assistant step by step.

I started with my Gen 3 Shellys that can be controlled by ioBroker and HA at the same time and integrated them into HA.

They show up as lights, with a lightbulb Symbol to the left and a material design switch symbol to the right. So far so good.

I continued to send light entities via mqtt from iobroker to HA but those guys show up different:

They have a lightbulb to the left and to lightning symbols to the right.


The configuration.yaml looks like this:

    - unique_id: LichtWHZ1
      name: "Licht_WHZ1"
      state_topic: "ioBroker/WHZ1/Switch"
      command_topic: "ioBroker/WHZ1/Switch"
      payload_on: "true"
      payload_off: "false"
      optimistic: true
      qos: 0
      retain: false

What did I miss?

Kind regards


perhaps it’s because you have them as optimistic. In which case ha isn’t really sure whether it is on or off so it is better to give you the ability to turn on or off at any point

It means HA cannot find out the current state of the switch.
Having the same topic to send commands from HA to ioBroker and to read the status from ioBroker is quite surely a mistake.

thank you for the clarifiaction. removing optimistic, was the solution.

As i understand it, the switch topic is set correctly for send and receive, however I will reread the guides to exclude further mistakes on my side.

Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.


Ok, not quite done yet.

The lighning symbol turns to a switch once pressed but after a while it turns to a lightning symbol again…

Setting retain to true fixes this

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