Problem with unifi protect camera feeds

I’ve got unifi protect connected to my HA, at first it worked pretty well but now I have two problems:

  1. the live camera feed in HA is mostly blurred out, snapshots look fine in my dashboard but when I click to show the live stream, only the top left corner is working. I can tell the stream is running as the sound is there. Examples:

Dashboard snapshot:

Live view:

  1. The passthrough to HomeKit just hangs when I try to access the live view. Again snapshots seem to be fed through ok but live view just hangs with a spinning logo for ages and eventually fails:

Screenshot 2025-01-09 at 15.07.35



I’ve tried activating LL-HLS and also tried the hi-res and medium-res streams without any success.

Any ideas on what I can try next?

Reducing the stream resolution was my first suggestion as that improved matters with my own system (G4 and G5 cameras have rather high bitrates for low power client devices).

The window chrome suggests you are using a Mac - I’ve certainly not seem similar odd blurring on Fedora Linux, RPiOS, nor Win10 so dunno! :person_shrugging:

So I just tried something and if I download a snapshot of the blurred image, it’s actually fine… very odd…

Still no idea how to get the HomeKit version working :man_shrugging: