Problem with uploading

hello I have a problem uploading a program to the esp8266 nodemcu development board, when uploading it shows me

Hard resetting via RTS pin…
INFO Successfully uploaded program.
INFO Starting log output from /dev/ttyUSB0 with baud rate 115200

and it gets stuck I waited 1 hour and nothing has occurred does anyone know what to do about it ??

After serial flash I usually need to power cycle.

how to do a power cycle after a serial flash.

Unplug it and plug it back in.

I will also mention I’ve had to do this sometimes after serially flashing, although I just did so today and didn’t have to. Who knows…

when I disconnect and reconnect it closes the port and after reloading the same problem

What do you mean by reloading? Like re-flashing it?

Is it showing up in Home Assistant as a device with whatever entities you’ve defined?

Hello! Did you solve this issue? I have the same problem!
Hope you can help!