Problem with Utility Meter (yearly value seems to be reset)

Hi, i have kind of a problem with my utility meter measuring my water usage which shows me strange values at the yearly consumption where the yearly value is lower than the monthly value.
Whereas the utility meter for my network usage works just fine.
The water utility meter seems to be reset but we´ve not had an year change.

I´ve read that the utility meter usually needs one period to show correct values but this does not fit to the network data usage which works just fine.

Here is my configuration of the water sensor:

    source: sensor.wasser_gesamtverbrauch
    name: Stundenverbrauch Wasser
    cycle: hourly
    source: sensor.wasser_gesamtverbrauch
    name: Tagesverbrauch Wasser
    cycle: daily
    source: sensor.wasser_gesamtverbrauch
    name: Monatsverbrauch Wasser
    cycle: monthly
    source: sensor.wasser_gesamtverbrauch
    name: Jahresverbrauch Wasser
    cycle: yearly

It seems i have found an related Error which occurs after rebooting the HA Server:

2021-11-19 17:39:03 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.utility_meter.sensor] Could not restore state . Resetting utility_meter.Jahresverbrauch Wasser

I have the same error Could not restore state . Resetting utility_meter.
How did you solve this?

sadly not. I even re-setup my home assistant with a new sensor but this bug still exists.