Problem with ZHA network visualization

You would want to add a ZigBee wall plug in that area which may help you with this.

These IKEA ZigBee repeaters work well and have been very reliable for me.

Thanks for taking the time to answer @dexstar , I take it then that there is no way to integrate all my HUE bulbs, PIR and switches to the current Zigbee mesh to aid in this?

I donā€™t see why not, have you not tried already? Hue bulbs, or any wall plug should act as routers and help with your Zigbee mesh.

I donā€™t have any Hue devices in my setup so cannot say how well the work. The IKEA repeaters I linked work really well in my setup, plus you canā€™t beat the price.

Where do you have that device plugged in? It is also recommended to use one of these in your setup to minimise on interference.

Also, if you can, try have your Sonoff dongle centrally located.

The device you have seems quite powerful.

Thereā€™s a thread here with more information which may be of assistance to you.

I have several Hue bulbs and they are excellent routers.

A bit late, but when Iā€™ve had problems with connections not showing in the graph, re-pairing the device often fixes this - canā€™t remember if you need to delete and re-pair, or just re-pair.

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Update: I followed Jonā€™s suggestion and repaired the three devices that were not showing their neighbors in the graph:

  1. The three devicesā€™ neighbor edges now show up, attached to the routers I connected them through. :+1:
  2. I gave the repaired devices the same names they had before I deleted them, so the delete-repair cycle was seamless in Home Assistant, with dashboards and automations using the repaired devices working as they did before.

oh great - glad it worked!

Thanks for that, how did you integrate them though? Currently mine runs via the HUE Hub as the wife and kids use the Hue app and Homekitā€¦ do you have to decouple from the HUE hub or can you use it as is somehow? Thanks

@dexstar Thanks for your reply! I am not 100% sure on how to get the HUE into my SONOF mesh, I will work through your link. I have the SONOF on an extension USB cable thanks :slight_smile: - Do you need to remove your HUE equipment from the HUE hub to integrate them, do you know?

Thanks again

The Hue hub creates a zigbee mesh. A device can only belong to one zigbee mesh.

To get the hue bulbs into you sonoff zigbee mesh, you have to delete them from the hue app and pair tjen into tour HA zigbee setup.

If removed from hue hub, then you can not control them t from the hue app.

@khvej8 Thank you for clarifying! Thatā€™s kind of what I expected but still held out hope that there might be a way to piggy back. I guess I will find another way! Thanks again!

I moved away from both HUE and Smartthings to HA after a while. My wife was used to the Hue app too but soon adapted to HA, just have to make the main interface easy enough for the missus to follow :smiley:

I have now close to 97 devices on ZHA, mostly routers as they are mains powered, it is rock solid but with the usual pitfalls with ZHA ie slow startup time. I have an issue with ZHA groups but other than that no complaints. Close to 4 months now, no complaints yet.

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