Problema con el login y el password al inicio de la instalacion

Tengo un gran problema al inicio de la instalacion del home assistant, tanto en la instalacion en una maquina virtual como en una raspberry pi 3.
Despues de aparecer un monton de letras, al terminar eso aparece la frase:

welcome home assistant
homeassistant login

El problema es que ahi se queda y no pasa nada, espere tambien como una hora y no paso absolutamente nada. Si no logro pasar de este punto, por obviedad no me genera la IP y no puedo colocar la IP que aun no hay en el la parte de colocar URL. Me es imposible conectarme. Este problemna sucedio tanto en la raspberry como en la maquina virtual.

Ya intente con cable ethernet y tampoco soluciona nada.

Ojala me pudieran ayudar

If you can handle it in english, try following the official guide. Follow every step carefully and you shouldn’t have any problem.

Please post in English as this is an English language forum. You will get a better response even if using a translation service.

Thank you but I have followed the steps to the letter and nothing.
I’ve been trying again and it finally came out, my partner tried with her laptop in a virtual machine and it also worked because he downloaded a different file corresponding to the program that she used to open OS.
My conclusion to this is that you should try again and again until it works.

mmmm, I didn’t remember that the translator was set by default. I will try using a separate translator.

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