I am trying to get my KNX-home automated with Home Assistant. Unfortunately I am struggling at getting any connection to KNX.
I just use knx:
in my config and Home Assistant reports that the knx component could not be set up. Having a look at the log shows:
2017-11-07 08:41:54 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Error during setup of component knx
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “…_site-packages_homeassistant_setup.py”, line 191, in _async_setup_component
result = yield from component.async_setup(hass, processed_config)
File “…_site-packages_homeassistant_components_knx.py”, line 80, in async_setup
yield from hass.data[DATA_KNX].start()
File “…_site-packages_homeassistant_components_knx.py”, line 140, in start
File “…_site-packages_xknx_xknx.py”, line 66, in start
yield from self.knxip_interface.start()
File “…_site-packages_xknx_io_knxip_interface.py”, line 68, in start
yield from self.start_automatic()
File “…_site-packages_xknx_io_knxip_interface.py”, line 82, in start_automatic
yield from gatewayscanner.start()
File “…_site-packages_xknx_io_gateway_scanner.py”, line 61, in start
yield from self.send_search_requests()
File “…_site-packages_xknx_io_gateway_scanner.py”, line 81, in send_search_requests
yield from self.search_interface(interface, ip_addr)
File “…_site-packages_xknx_io_gateway_scanner.py”, line 98, in search_interface
yield from udpclient.connect()
File “…_site-packages_xknx_io_udp_client.py”, line 160, in connect
lambda: udp_client_factory, sock=sock)
File “…_Lib_asyncio_base_events.py”, line 939, in create_datagram_endpoint
sock, protocol, r_addr, waiter)
File “…_Lib_asyncio_base_events.py”, line 323, in _make_datagram_transport
raise NotImplementedError
I tried also various config values for tunneling or router but I always get some kind of error.
I then tried using xknx directly and the following script correctly returns a temperature from a knx sensor:
import asyncio
from xknx import XKNX
from xknx.devices import Light
from xknx.devices import Sensor
async def main():
xknx = XKNX()
await xknx.start()
sensor = Sensor(
await sensor.sync()
await xknx.stop()
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
I’m on Home Assistant 0.57.2 (totally fresh installation) on Windows.
Any help would be really great,
Many thanks in advance
P.S: I had to replace the “\” in file paths with “_” in the log because it detected them as links and a new user can only post 2 links