Problems installing hass io on raspberry pi 3

Hello everyone,

For some days now I have been trying to get hass io installed on my raspberry pi 3b+.
But without any succes.

All goes well until I have to install Docker-CE.

Somehow it never succeeds and keeps giving me the error : process docker-ce failed and then it exits with error code 1.

Could someone assist me with this matter?

I have tried it with clean installs of rasbian stretch and buster.

I hope someone can help me with this matter since I really want to have the addon store available. I have installed hassbian without any troubles but as known there is no addon store in there.

Kind regards,


Any reason you’re not simply flashing with HassOS? That’s how most people install, and is the simplest.

I have tried that and for for some reason it is not working.
When I try to boot the raspberry pi with the freshly flashed sd card, it flashes the green light one or two times and then just shows the red light only. Nothing on screen aswell.

Seen this before?

I don’t use, so no. It may mean a bad flash, the wrong image used, or possibly even a power problem :man_shrugging:

Do you use hassbian?

I got it working, I got to the terrible conclusion that I have a different version Pi and thus a wrong img.
Thanks for the thinking! cheers