Problems seeing nest

I’m fairly new to this, but I was able to get the hue lights up and running without much difficulty. However, I can’t get HA to see my nest thermostats. Actually, there are two.

Here is the relevant part of my config file;

Am I missing anything? Edit: there are actually indents in my config file, haven’t figured out how to get them in the post.


platform: nest

username: deleted
password: deleted

Use the < / > symbol in the tool bar for posting code :slight_smile:
You can use the structure variable to define more than one.
If your nest account has these added then they should be included by default.

   username: XXXXXX
   passwaord: XXXXXX
     - upstairs
     - downstairs

   - platform: nest

You can also post your error log. It’s in the dev-tools.

Thanks. I ended up re-installing everything, and can see the Nest now.

I was using the climate: tag, I went to thermostat: and it worked right away.