Problems to connect aqara p1 motion sensor to ZHA with conbee 2 stick


I am a newby with HA and with Zigbee products.

The following wat i use.

  • HA in a virtual system form unraid.
  • zigbee stick is conbee 2 → i use a 5 meter extesion USB cable to put the stick devices in living room .
  • install deCONZ on home assist
  • install ZHA

At this moment i have 2 products working under Home assit with ZHA
1: Aqara motion sensor
2: Aqara door\window sensor

Now i want to put one new product to the list.
1: Aqara p1 motion Sensor
Now the product i find it in HA only i see it is not connect to te coordinator conbee 2 stick.
see photo

Also the product is not working in ZHA.

In de deCONZ app i can not find any devices wat i have. there for i try to use ZHA

Can somebody help me with this ussiue ?

If you use ZHA, uninstall deconz, then re-pair your sensor

Curious if you will get the answer. As i have kind of the same.
Googled but couldn’t find an answer.
I have home assistant on raspberry pi, conbee 2 stick and zha installed. 3 aqara sensors are working on zha. But the P1 motion sensor does not. If I press the pairing button home assistant sees it. But if there is motion nothing happens.
Will check your post to see if it can help me.

Hello Fransisp,

I have unstall deconz and still i have the same problem.

He find the sensor but still he have problems later. see second picture.

He dont find the battery status and more.
i dont now what to do.

After a couple of times uninstall and install the ZHA is it working now.
The Aqara P1 motion sensor hi takes and show me in the screen.