Problems with "Climate Mode Entity Row" and Netatmo thermostat

Hello all,
I’m trying to use climate-mode-entity-row.js with my Netatmo thermostat, but I’m having a bit of a problem. I created this code:

     - type: entities
          - entity: climate.termostato_corridoio
            type: "custom:climate-mode-entity-row"
            name: My Thermostat
            icon: 'mdi:home'
              - hvac_mode: "off"
                color: "#ef5350"
                icon: "mdi:power"

              - hvac_mode: 'auto'
                color: "#34c6eb"
                icon: "mdi:brightness-auto"

              - hvac_mode: 'auto'
                preset_mode: "Frost Guard"
                icon: "mdi:snowflake"
                color: "#B3E5FC"

to control off state, automatic mode and ice mode, but strange things happen which I list here in sequence:

Press auto mode: performed
Press Frost Mode: performed
Again auto mode: performed
Frost Mode again: performed
Press off: not done, stay in Frost Mode
I press auto mode: not done, stay in Frost Mode
Press off: not done, stay in Frost Mode.

I close everything and go away. After some time:
Press off: performed
Press Auto Mode: stay off
I press Frost Mode: stay off
and so on…

I don’t know what to do, it would seem a fairly random operation. I control the execution of various commands on Netatmo IOS app that updates everything instantly, so it is not a problem of delay in refreshing the status. Do you have any idea what might be causing this random command behavior?
Thank you in advance

Are you making use of webhooks with Netatmo? Those are crucial for quick response times.

Hello @cgtobi ,
Merry Christmas and thank you for reply.
I’m a newbie and don’t know what a webhook is. But I don’t understand why sometimes hvac_mode commands work and sometimes they don’t, so casually. I wanted to create a simple line with the main commands for thermostat, but apparently something is wrong.

Does the normal thermostat component work reliably? When you change the temperature on the devices does the component in HA mirror that within reasonable time?

Hello @cgtobi ,
the thermostat IOS application notifies me immediately of the change in setting.
If I do some variation with “Climate Mode Entity Row”, it would appear that:

  • if I alternately press frost mode and auto mode buttons, I have no problems (immediate response)
  • if I press the off button, the thermostat goes off immediately, but after this it is no longer possible to exit off with others button.
    Could it be the parameters I send to the thermostat? They don’t seem wrong.

Sorry, I meant the other direction. Please change the temperature in the Netatmo App or the physical device and observe how long it takes for HA to pick up the changes. If it takes longer than a few seconds than you don’t have an active webhook connection.

What version of HA do you have currently running?

Hello @cgtobi,
I don’t care how long it takes HA to detect changes, I care that the thermostat immediately receives the commands I send it. As I described above, the commands are received immediately by the thermostat, but often (for example with the thermostat in off state) the thermostat remains blocked and I don’t understand why. No command can unblock the situation, only by acting on the Netatmo app.
HA version is core-2021.12.5 . Thank you.

You may not care about this but I do because it helps me to understand the underlaying issue. Normally if the thermostat is turned off it should be turned on by setting the thermostat to schedule mode.

Hello @cgtobi ,
HA detects changes over a long period of time, from 30 seconds to a few minutes. The commands sent from HA to the thermostat are received instantly, but apparently the ones I send are incorrect. The OFF command works well and is immediate, but neither of the other two can unlock it. If the thermostat is not OFF, Auto and Frost Guard buttons work fine.

EDIT: I understand what the problem is. Climate Mode Entity only sends the commands it deems possible, without considering that the status of the thermostat has been changed, but not detected. For example, if I have this situation


HA only sends the Auto and Frost Guard commands, but not the Off command because for him the thermostat is in Off. But if I send the Auto command, the thermostat immediately goes to Auto, but if I want to go back to Off the command will not be sent because HA has not yet detected the Auto status and for him the thermostat is still in Off.
If there is no easy way for HA to immediately detect the thermostat status, could “Climate mode entity” virtually assume the new thermostat status, without waiting for the actual status detection?

If webhook events are used HA will immediately get notified about the state change. Otherwise it will take until the next polling cycle for HA to update the state.