I set up Snips (using the mkloeckner app) and detecting my speech is working but I need some assistance on the home assistant site. Snips is working as intended.
Here is what I can see in mqtt:
hermes/intent/agre:ActivateObject {"sessionId":"9d4bc731-4166-4d77-86d4-458377c0f7a4","customData":null,"siteId":"default","input":"schalte den fernseher ein","asrTokens":[[{"value":"schalte","confidence":0.8653383,"range_start":0,"range_end":7,"time":{"start":0.0,"end":0.95144314}},{"value":"den","confidence":0.55904347,"range_start":8,"range_end":11,"time":{"start":0.9530082,"end":1.5899999}},{"value":"fernseher","confidence":1.0,"range_start":12,"range_end":21,"time":{"start":1.5899999,"end":1.7099999}},{"value":"ein","confidence":1.0,"range_start":22,"range_end":25,"time":{"start":1.7099999,"end":2.52}}]],"intent":{"intentName":"agre:ActivateObject","probability":0.92501414},"slots":[{"confidence":1.0,"rawValue":"fernseher","value":{"kind":"Custom","value":"Fernseher"},"range":{"start":12,"end":21},"entity":"mkloeckner/object","slotName":"device"}]}
And here is the sam watch
[10:48:52] [Nlu] was asked to parse input "schalte den fernseher ein"
[10:48:52] [Nlu] detected intent agre:ActivateObject with probability 0.925 for input "schalte den fernseher ein"
Slots ->
device -> Fernseher (confidence: 1.000)
[10:48:52] [Dialogue] New intent detected agre:ActivateObject with probability 0.925
Slots ->
device -> Fernseher (confidence: 1.000)
[10:48:58] [Dialogue] session with id '9d4bc731-4166-4d77-86d4-458377c0f7a4' was ended on site default. The session was ended because one of the component didn't respond in a timely manner
[10:48:58] [Asr] was asked to stop listening on site default
[10:48:58] [Hotword] was asked to toggle itself 'on' on site default
So simple turning on/off worked but now I want to have if/else conditions to get multiple devices to work. At first I want to start my harmony activity. Here is what I got so far:
type: simple
title: Turn object on
content: Ask Home Assistant to turn {{ device }} on
service_template: >
{%- if device == "Fernseher" -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
entity_id: >
{%- if device == "Fernseher" -%}
{%- elif device == "test" -%}
{%- elif device == "test2" -%}
{%- endif -%}
data: >
{%- if device == "Fernseher" -%}
activity: "Fernsehen"
{%- endif -%}
I cant get it to work. Can someone tell me what Iām missing?