Problems with emulated hue after all update problems today

First 5.5.1 breaks things. I had no ssh installed, so a bit of work and great help from the people on the chat server, solved that problem.

Rollback to 55,

55.2 came available

as usual after an update I lost all my ikea lights from the google home device (every time after an upgrade i have to re-assign them to their rooms)

yet, this time google assistant app didn’t find ikea lights

ok, so let’s add Hue again as a service from the google assistant app, did that numerous times before
not working anymore

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh, I hate that kind of errors

anybody out there who has some tips to solve this?

also use duckdns and let’s encrypt, but I did that before too

You’re probably getting the new Hue login screen. Unfortunately, if this happens, you’re most likely out of luck for emulated hue. You can attempt the workarounds (install an old version of the Google Home app on your device), but YMMV.

I am also looking for a solution

I recommend using the new google assistant plugin available on 56.2. I switched to this after emulated hue stopped working recently (I think it was a google update that caused the problem).

Its kind of complex to setup (requires setting up hass ssl remote access) but the instructions are accurate, so just follow them closely.