Problems with Google Assistant after moving installation

I have a working setup on my desktop, including SSL and Google assistant integration.
I do not want to leave my desktop running 24/7 so I got it up and running on a less powerful dedicated system.
I copied the entirety of the config folder over, including my certificate and private key, and restarted it. I am able to log in on the new system with no problem, toggle lights on and off, etc… I’ve updated the port forwarding through my router so I can access the new server over the internet.
Unfortunately I can’t get my google assistant integration to work. The error I’m getting during startup is
2021-07-25 17:30:06 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.google_assistant.http] Request for failed: 403
And when I tell google to “sync devices” it tells me it can’t.

Is there anything I need to do in addition to simply copying the config folder? If I stop the new server, restart my original server, and change my port forwarding back again google has no problem so there is clearly something I’m missing in my setup but I’m not sure what. Other than the google assistant integration everything seems to be working.

When you setup google assistant, there was one step in google home app, you selected your test skill and it asked you to login in your home assistant instance.

After moving my instance, i have repeated that step and it solved my issue. This is probable due to non valid (not anymore) login token stored by google.

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Beautiful, that was the problem. Thanks a lot!

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one important thing is to delete/uninstall all short-cuts of HA on android phones.

This morning i have again a big fail to put all my entities on or off and i forget that…

After delete my Firefox short-cuts of HA and unsintall the HA companion, reconnect was successful.

One other solution to try is to re-activate the “TEST” mode in google console

and that make the trick, no more sync problem or “sorry i dont know this device” reply from a Google Home