Problems with HmIP-Broll

I have a problem with the HmiP-Broll aktor and Home Assistant. I push the down button and then the stop button when the shutter at the half, but the level shows 0. The same problem when i push the up button, only then the level is 100. Is it possible channel 3 and channel 4 from the aktor to use?

Only the first virtual actor-channel is supported. The other two are hidden because regular users don’t use them.

Ok thanks. Can you say me how to properly configure the actuator? I have the wrong level with only channel 4.

Sorry, I don’t know that. I don’t have the device. All I can say is, that if you only use the entity you get in HA and don’t do anything with the other channels outside of HA, the level the entity reports should be correct. If it’s not, then there must be some issue I can’t help with. Other users have that device working properly as far as I know.