Problems with LG SM86 (2019) with HomeKit integration

Hello guys!

I wonder if anyone have the same problem as me: just installed the new LG TV SM86 2019 with WebOS and the new HomeKit/airplay 2 integration.

WebOS component is configured and working fine, the main problem is that every time I turn on the TV, it broadcasts as a HomeKit accessory (still not compatible with HA) and my system goes wild with 35% constant use of CPU, some ESPHome devices are disconnect and so on.

Here is the notification:


And this is the device:


I have both zeroconf and discovery components enabled with homekit on the ignore list (discovery):


    - homekit

Also tried disabling discovery and zeroconf components with no luck.

I just have homekit component enable on my setup.

Like this:


Anyone with the same problem? This is ratter new (AirPlay 2) and not sure what is going on…

I’ve decided to open an issue on GitHub in order to hopefully get some help with the devs:
