Hello everyone, I just migrated from openhab since home assistant is much more solid and has a large community willing to help.
Yesterday I spent all afternoon trying to make the mqtt work with a spy with tasmota, without any result, I expose my steps:
1 - Install mosquitto addon
“logins”: [
“username”: “rabeliyo”,
“password”: “123456”
“anonymous”: true,
“customize”: {
“active”: false,
“folder”: “mosquitto”
“certfile”: “fullchain.pem”,
“keyfile”: “privkey.pem”
2 - Added the command lines in .config
broker: (is the same ip where is home assistant)
username: rabeliyo
password: 123456
3 - Added the mqtt relay (switch folder)
- platform: mqtt
name: “Rele”
state_topic: “stat/Multisensor_1/POWER1”
command_topic: “cmnd/Multisensor_1/POWER1”
qos: 1
payload_on: “ON”
payload_off: “OFF”
retain: true
4 - Added the mqtt sht11 sensors (sensors folder)
platform: mqtt
state_topic: “tele/Multisensor_1/SENSOR”
name: Temperature
unit_of_measurement: ‘°C’
value_template: ‘{{ value_json.DHT11.Temperature }}’ -
platform: mqtt
state_topic: “tele/Multisensor_1/SENSOR”
name: Humidity
unit_of_measurement: ‘%’
value_template: '{{ value_json.DHT11.Humidity }}`
The sensors and relay in tasmota work perfectly and I see how esp8266 connects as a client to the broker.
But I think that home assistant never gets connected to the broker since his alias or ip does not appear to me anywhere.
No sensors, no log error
Sorry for the code blocks, I tried to use them but they have not worked.
Thanks for the help