Problems with new tuya integration

Hi there. I recently move from Tuya2 to the new Tuya integration. Integration setup going well but once I want to control switches or outlets turning on a light for example, the button going back to off after a few seconds but the light still on. If I want to turn off the light with one click does not work, I have to double click quickly the button to turn off the light.
Also sometimes when I have to reboot my HA all the devices appears offline and I have to reboot again to have all on line


I just spent a couple of hours moving all of my Tuya devices to LocalTuya. Highly recommended and removes all reliance on Tuya’s cloud and API. I actually made this a requirement for myself before upgrading, because I knew the Tuya API was going to break and I figured that I’d have to set them all up again anyhow, so might as well pull them out of the cloud.


You need to add the device statud api in tuya cloud. Think it’s step 6 in the setup

yes, thanks, i know, but event with this API it does not work. I’m not sure it is a matter of location