I have problems with my two temperature and humidity sensors (http://telldus.se/produkt/termohygro-sensor-433mhz/) that I use with a Tellstick DUO over 433mhz. The sensors are of the same brand, Telldus. The problem is that they doesn’t appear sometimes when HA is restarted. In order to solve it I just restart HA until they appear. When I try to use tdtool the sensors always are discovered.
They don’t appear at all. Restart is needed. Otherwise it might be that it says unknown as value until the sensor has sent a new package, which it does each 10 min.
Sorry for a late reply, I’ve been away for a couple of days.
So the sensors do appear in the HA dashboard, only not immediately after a restart?
It does take a while for my sensors too to reappear after a reboot, although not 10 minutes (more like 10 seconds). Until then it says “unknown” in the dashboard.
What you’re asking is for HA to display any value available from tdtool and not necessarily wait for the next update, is that correct?
I’m getting this alot also. I thought something may have corrupted but maybe it’s a bug. I find sometimes that one sensor shows up and not the other. Then after a restart or 2 the other shows up hiding the 1st one
I’ve not found any solution and the problem still exist with latest release of HA. An work-around would be to configure a notification if HA hasn’t got any update from the sensor for the last X minutes. This would be a control to see if the sensor is sending data.
I tried to do a fresh install and carry over my setup configuration but now I can’t even install tellstick drivers. Kept giving me errors on libconfuse0 (>2.5) dependency… adding from memory.
I wonder if apt-get update / upgrade updated something’s but not others causing the now apparent errors
Can anybody with free time try to fresh install the new stretch lite and then the process to get tdtool running to replicate?
Did anyone find a solution to this? I having the exact same issue with my telldus thermometers together with my duo. I have other thermometers over 433 to the same tellstick duo which do work.