Hey all,
Just started flashing some switches with Tasmota this week. Everything is working fairly well except my automation to get states after a restart. I used the automation I got from from digiblurDIY’s channel (modified slightly):
### HA Start
- alias: Home Assistant Startup Automation
- platform: homeassistant
event: start
# Get Sonoff States
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: "cmnd/sonoffs/backlog"
payload: "power1 ;power2 ;power3 ;power4 ;power5; dimmer; state; power "
What’s strange is I can see the group topic published in MQTT explorer, but the two switches I have online so far don’t respond to it.
If I go to the console of one of the switches and manually run:
cmnd/sonoffs/backlog power1 ;power2 ;power3 ;power4 ;power5; dimmer; state; power
it works fine, the switches respond and update home assistant. Any ideas? Very new to MQTT and Tasmota so shooting in the dark a little here.