I’m trying to track my phone using the android app and ibeacons. It all works but having problems with a template for the binary sensor. The value works in dev, but I keep getting this error
Configuration warnings
Invalid config for 'template' from integration 'binary_sensor' at binary_sensor.yaml, line 53: 'state' is an invalid option for 'binary_sensor.template', check: sensors->beacon_detected->state
I have this in binary_sensor.yaml
- platform: template
friendly_name: Beacon Detected
device_class: presence
value_template: >-
state: >
{% if (state_attr('sensor.marks_s22_ultra_beacon_monitor', 'a0b13730-3a9a-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9a66_56780_63704') != None)
{% else %}
{% endif %}
Any ideas please? It has been a long time since I played with my HA yaml
Thanks for this, however I am now looking to change the sensor, so it works with any value and not just the 1 iBeacon, since I have 3 or 4 of them.
The sensor doing the monitoring will only have the values of the iBeacons it has in from the companion app that I have allowed it to find.
Any ideas please? Tried all morning and I keep getting no where. Thanks
Because of the way the sensor turns sensed beacons into attributes, I think the only option is to combine all the value queries with logical operators:
value_template: >-
{% set ent = "sensor.marks_s22_ultra_beacon_monitor" %}
{{ (state_attr(ent, 'a0b13730-3a9a-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9a66_56780_63704') != None) or
(state_attr(ent, 'some-unique-id-from-another-beacon') != None) or
(state_attr(ent, 'another-unique-id-from-a-different-beacon') != None) }}
It might also work if you start from the attributes property and reject all the standard attributes, but you will need to test to see if it’s reliable for your use:
Thank you, will give it a test. My HA Docker setup in from 4 or 5 years ago, I just did the updates and hardly touched it since. Hence I have no real idea about the settings etc in the interface.
I struggled to know which { or } or ( or ) was wrong. So it kept flagging up errors. I tried to see the format of % set ent and was getting no where at all. Well it loaded but said unknown.
value_template: >-
{% set (ent = "sensor.marks_s22_ultra_beacon_monitor")}
{{ (state_attr(ent, '0000ffe1-0000-1000-xxxx-00805f9b34fb_101_102') != None) or
(state_attr(ent, '0000ffe1-0000-1000-xxxx-00805f9b34fb_201_202') != None) or
(state_attr(ent, '0000ffe1-0000-1000-xxxx-00805f9b34fb_301_302') != None) }}