First up… I am not 100% sure when I updated to the latest HA Version. But since 4 days, my solar-web integration is not working as expected any more.
So this is how my energy-dashboard looked until March 9th:
And ever since March 10th, somewhen around the start of the day, my energy-consumption is just reported as Solar-Production:
The entity that I am using for energy-consumption from the grid is: sensor.smart_meter_63a_energy_real_consumed
. So the one from my fronius smart-meter.
Was there any change inside that last update about that? I could not see anything regarding SolarWeb/Fronius ect.
Ah… yes… I have a Fronius Symo Gen24 Inverter and am using the Fronius integration.
Just tell me what more information you need, and I’ll be happy to look it up.