Problems with tracking Phones GPS

(btw sorry for the english but isnt my main language)
I’m having a lot of problems with my phones, the apparment where i live have a bad signal, and my gps keep jumping out of home a lot, triggering some arrive or leave home automations, anyone with this problem and how they fix it? or a solution using other things? (have room-assistant too, and sometimes the bluetooth jump out of home with the gps too)

Are you using BLE beacons with Room Assistant? They are much more precise that simple BLE scanning.

Another suggestion could be to use more than one Room Assistant host and do triangulation.

Also, check the Proximity integration; in particular the tolerance variable.

One simple thing to do is to add a door sensor to the front door - and use that along with the device trackers/person entity to toggle a boolean.

That’s what I do, and it works well.

Im really noob at this, so Im just using bluetooth, i dont know how the other works.
You mean:

  maxDistance: 2
  timeout: 20
  updateFrequency: 20
    - 0C:EC:8D:8C:C6:7B
    - C0:6B:55:E6:B3:EF
  maxDistance: 2
  timeout: 20
  updateFrequency: 20
  instanceBeaconEnabled: false
    - E8DB17521BBE

move the Classic MACs to LowEnergy?

your solution look so perfect, but is too much english for my unenglish mind :frowning:

Room Assistant recommends not using Bluetooth classic and BLE simultaneously.

I see that you are tracking using BLE scanning. Instead, if the phone supports transmitting BLE beacons, turn the transmitter on in the Home Assistant Companion app under Sensors. Then get the beacon tag and place it in the Room Assistant config.

Do you have any tutorial i can follow, i think i can cuz i have the option on the companion, but i dont know how to do it in the room assistan config
The Beacon tag is the id or UUID?

Yes, the UUID that you see in the HA Companion. This an example from my own config:

  maxDistance: 8
  timeout: 2
    # OnePlus iBeacon
    - 5c8086f8e2c6495f9d4ef5ef0271db60-100-1
    # OnePlus BLE
    - c0e34d17273a
      name: OnePlus iBeacon
      name: OnePlus BLE

Room Assistant - Bluetooth Low Energy