Added z-wave js ui, finds node and everything looks fine.
But can’t find devices when I search for a thermostat example.
(Smartthing finds the device)
Tried several times to include and exclude and reset the device.
I have Silicon Labs controller 700, with verson v.7.21.5.
I have tried:
-Extension cable
USB hub
Switched usb 3 to 2 and vice versa
Previous firmware on z-wave stick
Full documentation to the letter, I think…
-Checked other forums/problems her and other places
-Tried regular z-wave integration
-RF set for Europe
Norman pow: 9.9dBm
Mes out pow:
Port: 3000
These are instructions for a Aeotec Z-stick. Do you actually have a Z-stick, or do you have the SiLabs UZB-7 (SLUSB001A)? While they share the same Z-Wave SOC, they are not the same board.
It supports both BRD4206A and BRD4201A firmware. Aeotec uses BRD4206A firmware. In my experience, and a few others, newer versions of the BRD4206A firmware are broken on the UZB7, causing completely reduced TX power which could explain your problem. You might see if flashing the BRD4201A firmware fixes it for you. In EU there’s no reason to use the 4206A firmware anyways as it won’t ever support EU Long Range.
Also, I’m just wondering how you came up with these power values. They are not the default and there are no published values for a UZB7. I don’t think it is critical, just curious.