My system has been hanging and resetting every so often. It’s not an SD problem since I have an SSD. The problem is different too because shortly after HA resets normally everything works fine though there does seem to be an issue with the Zigbee and Zwave devices using HUSBZB-1. Not sure if it is a hardware problem, an add-on problem or what. So maybe starting from scratch would be best but I am going to go ahead and try a new system since that would help keep from not being able to use HA as I have it currently configured if a new system fixes the problem. I got a refurbished NUC since the Blue is not currently available.
Since I have the RPI4 set to a static IP in the settings and in a Ubiquiti Dream Machine but the NUC will be taking it’s place what would be the process be to configure everything with the new static IP? Maybe setting the NUC to the static of the RPi might be easier and there shouldn’t be any other changes?
I found another step for those of us using MariaDB in the video at He says we should stop it then make a snapshot. Unfortunately my snapshots take a very long time. I think it is due to InfluxDB being so large.
I think I can go without the RPi4 being on while I install HA on the NUC since that doesn’t take long.
For some reason I had trouble stopping and backing up MariaDB. I found another post that said that Home Assistant Google Drive Backup has the option do stop MariaDB while the backup takes place. So I changed the settings and did that just for MariaDB then stopped MariaDB on the NUC then restored MariaDB on the NUC.
I also found out that Ubiquiti Dream Machine doesn’t show disconnected devices unless the option is selected so I had to change the setting there so that I could set the static I had on the RPi4 in the setting for the NUC in UDM.