Hi All,
Ok, so i am getting to a point where my Home Assistant is becoming a part of the whole house. Up until now, i have focussed onjust my room upstairs, but i need to start implementing automatons ans templates throughout the rest of the house. Clearly i am still learning.
Question - Is their a way, or has anyone else set up two instances of Home Assistant? One for Production and one for Testing.
Basically, i want one to be able to develop new features and improvements, without affecting the whole house, and when i’m ready, deploy that improvement to the production instance.
Am i overthinking? Is this possible?
P.S. My housemate and his GF are awesome, but when something doesn’t work, they just start flicking switches, which annoys me, and reduces there confidence in the system.
My config consists of:
Raspeberry Pi’s
Tasmota RGB Leds
Hue Lighting
Conbee for Hue Switches