Does anyone know if programmable generic 433MHz transmitters exist, which can be programmed to control a range of RF devices (e.g. different brands of remote sockets such as Sonoff, Energenie, HomeEasy, etc)? I’d like to supplement my existing HA/Broadlink switch control with simple handheld on/off switches for some of my remote sockets.
There are other, but I use this
Have a look at the Sonoff RF Bridge flashed with the Tasmota firmware.
Sorry I should have been clearer about what I was looking for…I’m after a handheld remote type thing (e.g. with an on/off switch). The sort of thing I could leave next to an appliance to turn it on/off quickly
Its not programmable, but I use these in combination with the openmqttgateway, so I can make HA do whatever I want when it receives a button pressed signal
Perhaps what @gpbenton suggested is that you may use any 433mhz remote to send a code to the RF bridge and then let the HA process it and turn on/off your device using whatever method you like (mqtt included).
Ah now this is sounding really interesting. Can I check that understand how this might all fit together for me? (sorry I’m just feeling my way into this technology):
A) In the simplest scenario, I could buy a couple of Aliexpress cloning keyfobs, teach them the on/off codes for my remote sockets (which are currently controlled by HA and Broadlink RM Pro), and job done.
B) if the Aliexpress keyfobs aren’t able to learn the codes for my remote sockets, I do the following:
- teach the keyfobs arbitrary RF codes to use as on/off codes for my sockets
- buy a Sonoff RF Bridge and configure it to receive RF codes from the keyfobs
- install OpenMQTT gateway (e.g. in a Docker container on the same server as my Docker HA install)
- configure OpenMQTT gateway to accept messages from the Sonoff RF bridge
- configure my HA setup to work with OpenMQTT gateway (it is currently working with Mosquitto)
- when all of the above is in place, the control flow will be: Aliexpress keyfob->Sonoff RF Bridge->OpenMQTT Gateway->HA->Broadlink RM Pro->remote socket on/off
Is that how it would all hang together? Would eWeLink need to be part of the picture if I use the Sonoff bridge?
Not really.
Misconception 1. Keyfobs do not change their code. Your sockets or Sonoff RF Bridge or OpenMQTTGateway or sockets need to listen to the code being generated by the buttons on the keyfob, which remains constant.
Misconception 2: OpenMQTTGateway is not just software, it involves using a NodeMCU or other hardware with a 433 MHz receiver attached. You would have to build that, which involves using a soldering iron. If this is alien to you, the Sonoff RF bridge is probably the way to go.
Misconception 3: OpenMQTTGateway and Sonoff RF would work together. As far as I can see, the Sonoff RF does much the same thing as the OpenMQTTGateway, so I think you can go one way or the other, but I have only used OpenMQTTGateway, so I can’t be sure.
So the path would be
Fob -> OMG or Sonoff -> HA -> OMG or Sonoff -> socket
You could of course, program HA to turn multiple lights on or off, or do anything else your HA configuration can control when it receives the signal from the fob.
Never heard of eWeLink, so can’t help there.
And just when I thought I was beginning to understand it!..
So what makes that Aliexpress keyfob a “Cloning Duplicator Key Fob” - what do they mean by cloning/duplicating?
Re. OpenMQTT - the diagram on this page shows a Sonoff RF Bridge in the big green OpenMQTTGateway box:
I assumed that to imply that the Sonoff works with OpenMQTTGateway. Are we talking about different OpenMQTTGateway products?
eWeLink is the proprietary Android app for controlling Sonoff remotes. I was hoping to avoid it, as it’s cloud based and I wanted to keep everything in my local network.
Actually, I didn’t realize you could clone from another device. It isn’t something I have done and it isn’t the way I was thinking to use it with HA. The fob just needs to produce a unique code for HA to know which button on which fob was pressed. Cloning them would actual confuse things - although its an interesting option to have.
That has changed since I last looked. I think it means that you can install OpenMQTTGateway firmware on the Sonoff RF. @clyra was suggesting you install tasmota firmware on the Sonoff RF, which is just another way of doing the same thing.
I have no idea if the tasmota or OpenMQTTGateway firmware would be better, but since they are both free and open source, you could try each one out and see which you preferred. Both would avoid you using cloud based apps.
Sonoff RF Bridge is just the hardware. I find it convenient because you dont have to buy/connect/build parts and comes with a case :-). You can do the same with a ESP-8266 or ESP32 + 433mhz receiver. I have both :-). My RF bridge runs tasmota firmware and my ESPs runs OpenMQTTGateway.
IMHO I prefer the Fob -> OMG/sonof->HA way because it will give you more flexibility and it seems more “logical” since you tell HA the desired state of the device instead of change the state locally and let HA poll/detect the new state.
But let me present another option… I use to turn on/off my devices (various sonoffs and a few broadlinks) using xiaomi wireless buttons and xiaomi gateway. A bit more expensive but works very well.
Ok so if I go with a Sonoff RF Bridge I’ll need to flash it with OMG - presumably that can be done with a PC and an appropriate USB interface cable?
Do you know if this setup will also allow me to monitor the on/off status of a Sonoff S26 smart plug?
Any particular reason why I might choose the Xiaomi buttons/gateway over the Sonoff and Aliexpress components (which seem to be about half the price of the Xiaomi)?
To flash sonoff RF bridge you will need a FTDI programmer. The process is bit more complicated than flashing a ESP because you can’t just use a USB cable. If you also flash your sonoff smart plug with tasmota, then yes, it will talk to HA thru the MQTT and you will have all information/status you need though to flash S26 you will need a iron solder (
About the xiaomi, it’s not about the price but the fact that it can be used for other things (you can connect temperature, door/window sensors to the gateway) and I like the design :-). I also think that the zigbee protocol works better than 433mhz.
Oh that’s a shame. Probably more than I was bargaining for. Maybe I’ll look out for a Tasmota-flashed S26 on eBay…
:-(. yeah… I don’t like it either, but it’s not “that” difficult. You can keep it simple using a ESP8266 + 433mhz receiver (no iron solder needed and can be flashed with a micro-usb cable) and compatible HA smart plugs (I have a couple of orvibo smart plugs, broadlink and xiaomi smart strips).