Hi All-
I’ve hit a wall here. I use a shelly UNI device to install a reed switch (for open/closed status) and a relay to open/close the door. This all works manually. The UNI is setup to control the relay trigger (shut off relay 0.5 seconds after it gets turned on). I added to HA with the shelly integration. I did have to invert the input in the UNI settings in order to show the binary sensor inputs as open/closed correctly. So here’s the problem. Now I’m trying to create a cover template to bring this all together. I do need to invert open/closed in the template to get both the binary sensor input and cover status to match. Here’s my code:
Almost everything works as intended with the exception of the open/close cover buttons. Everything looks good when the garage is closed and the button works correctly to open it:
This problem starts after it’s opened. Now that it’s opened, I still have the options to both open and close the garage. I feel that I shouldn’t still have an open button when it’s already open.
I know I’m missing one stupid setting but I can’t find it.
position_template is really intended for cases where you know and want to report that a cover is partially open, so it doesn’t really make sense for just open/closed.
Hi, I’m new to HA and Shelly Uni.
I’m trying to connect my gate with a cover to get the status oh my gate.
In order to do so, I connected the shelly uni to the gate electronic card.
I’m using the 2 relays to manage 2 means of opening (complete and partial for pedestrial).
I’ve connected the 2 binary sensors of the shelly to 2 limit switches (one when the gate is open, the other when it is closed).
The first issue I’m facing is that the shelly sensors don’t keep their state, it is like there is an impulsion and that’s it.
Help would be apreciated.