Progress of scripts and automations

Hi alll.

Some automations and scripts can be complex and run over an extended time period. It’d be great in my instance to be able to see the current position of execution of a script and/or automation directly when opening up a script or automation’s edit/flow page, maybe something like this.

It will always be at a delay point for you then, since the other stuff happens pretty much instantly.
And delays are generally not a good thing to use, because there are many events that can reset automation runs and then the automation just stops there.

If you really want to incorporate some feature like this in your scripts, then make a helper_number for it and use the service call to set a number for how far in the process it has come in the places that are important to you.
You could then also split the automation up, so before a delay of one hour the helper_input would be set to one.
The helper_number being 1 would be the trigger to the next automation that had a delay of 5 minutes and then it would set set helper_number to 2 and so on until helper 7 is reached where the next part of the script is run and helper_number is set to 8.
The chances of a 5 minutes delay getting reset is much smaller than that of a 1 hour delay and a helper_number will be restored, so the automation would start again where it was interrupted.

It wasn’t a good script example to use, but my idea was to have a visual cue while editing/running scripts

You would still only see the stops at the delay.
It mainly takes milliseconds to handle the other steps in between.

This is true and perfectly fine in my instances. It’s not necessarily of great importance, just a useful tool for some maybe

Your request is already fulfilled by an automation’s trace.

The trace shows the execution of each step in the automation. The following example shows the automation is still running, it’s currently waiting for the delay to finish and has one more action to execute.

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A bit late to the party but can we use an automation trace to change the status of a card? I mean, let’s say that i have a “chip” that triggers an action, it would be very very nice to have the chip change its state (like showing a circular progress as its icon and becoming disabled) while the action is running and then ideally change based on the outcome (green/red)

That is something you can build into your automation with the tools already available, like helpers.