Project share: ESPHome Hamulight LED spots control

I wanted to share my ESPHome custom light project to control my Hamulight LED spots.

These spots came with the garden room and use a proprietary protocol. So I had to reverse engineer the signal from the remote. I did this using a software defined radio and Universal Radio Hacker software.

It uses an ESP32 with an RF433 sender to replicate the signal from the remote.

For more information, see [

Disclaimer, I’m not a radio expert, if I use the wrong terms, please educate me. :slight_smile:

Ik ben niet heel bekend met ESP maar dit is iets wat ik zou willen doen. Kan je een beetje op weg helpen wat ik nodig heb?

Hoe kan ik met de L2046 pairen?

Is het nog nodig om de transmitter te koppelen met de lampen, of zou het gewoon zo moeten werken?

Zou gewon zo moeten werken.
Maar misschien hen je nieuwere versie ofzo, die net iets anders werkt. Lastig te controleren.

Je hebt hetzelfde typenr enzo?

my remote broke and I bought a new one. The instruction guides that only one remote control at a time is working. And I have to connect it with power off, on and click the upper Button 5 times. Seems every system have it’s own code?!

Hi @aukedejong kan je meer details geven over de ESP32 die je hebt gebruikt, pins etc?
Ik probeer het hier ook, maar helaas werkt het nog niet en ik weet even niet waarom.

Ik heb een esp32 devkitc v4. Gezien je code, dacht ik deze aan te sluiten aan de pin 25. Ik heb twee soorten RF433. Wordt zeer gewaardeerd als je deze info kan geven.

Hi @wpbezemer,

Some photo’s of the setup. I’ve not used it for a while.
I’m also not an esp32 expert, this was the only project I did with ESP Home.

Have you tried testing it nearby the receiver?
You are also using the exact some Led system?

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately its not working at my side, also not near the adaptor.
I have the same adaptor (L2046) from Hamulight.

Unfortunately, I’m not expert on the 433 RF. So unfortunately I don’t know how to do reverse engineering nor how to read the values. I do have a 433 receiver with ESPHome. not sure if I see even values from the standard remote from the adaptor.

Will order a new RF transmitter from Ali and check if that works. Keep you posted here. Or if you have any other hits or tips, I’m happy to try.



Is this project still ongoing and have the others this working.
I’m having also a Hamulight L2046 but could not get it work.

I read in the manual of the controller that you have to pair it. Below link is from official website.

Looking forward to a reply otherwise I need to move to another solution and replacing all with different lamps, and transformator.


Hi W

I read the link to the manual you provide. It looks like the same remote.

I never paired it, but maybe the installers did this.
This could explain why the project is not working for everyone. Some part of the RF signal could be a code/number created during pairing.

Someone else having the L2446 remote?

Yes I recently got the L2446 remote. I used my RTL-SDR to find that it appears to be using FSK (frequency shift keying) so I ordered a transmitter on Aliexpress. I’ll post an update here soon.