I am missing a few key data points from Prometheus (Template switches / group / automatons states)
is there a way to configure these components to also send data ?
I think the documentation on Prometheus is a bit too simplistic, could/should contain a bit more detail.
Looking at HASS GitHub Prometheus component, it looks like it also supports the include/exclude domains/entities as other components do (history, for instance). Didn’t try it myself but it looks like it should work.
Still then, the values processed and pushed to Prometheus, seem restricted to:
- battery levels defined as entity attribute;
- binary_sensor;
- device_tracker;
- light (+ brightness defined as attribute);
- lock;
- sensor (limited to units of measure ºC, ºF, %, lux, kWh, V, W);
- switch;
- zwave (battery).
This is recent component and there’s definitely still some room for improvement.
I am specifically after groups and automation’s…
seems like they are not supported at this time,
Where would be a a good place to ask for them to be added ?
I also have a couple of things more (for instance, more units of measure for sensors), that I would like to have added, but I’m also not sure where to put it in.
This appears to still be the case. I’d like to track the on/off state of fans and the state of media_players. Have those domains in my configuration file but those metrics do not make it to Prometheus.
State change does not appear to provide what I am looking for.
Anybody else using this and can it track state changes (not just 1, 0, but values like Playing or Paused?).