I have been stuck trying to get an !include scenes.yaml to work with the “scenes” entry for my Hunter Douglas PowerView shades.
I have the following entries in config:
And get the following error in my logs: 2017-12-28 17:35:22 ERROR (SyncWorker_10) [homeassistant.util.yaml] YAML file /config/configuration.yaml contains duplicate key "scene". Check lines 128 and 131.
(referring to the lines I posted above)
How do I integrate both “scenes?”
2018-01-01 15:42:04 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [scene]: expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data['states'][0]['entities']. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 129). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/scene/
2018-01-01 16:53:37 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.util.yaml] mapping values are not allowed here
in "/config/scenes.yaml", line 61, column 12
2018-01-01 16:53:37 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: mapping values are not allowed here
in "/config/scenes.yaml", line 61, column 12
For reference, this is the snipped of my scenes.yaml entry:
- name: Lights Out
- light.bedroom_dimmer: off
- light.tv_lightstrip: off
- light.shower_light_1: off
- light.shower_light_2: off
- switch.master_bathroom_mirror_: off
- switch.bathroom_fan: off
- group.island_lights: off
- group.cabinets: off
- switch.track_lights: off
- switch.under_bar_lights: off
- switch.great_room_lightstrip: off
- switch.recipe_center_: off
- switch.shelf_lights: off
- light.living_room_dimmer: off
- switch.entertainment_center: off
- light.living_room_tv_hue_lightstrip: off
- switch.wemo_mini: off
- light.dining_room_dimmer: off
- light.dining_room_accent: off
- light.hue_bloom_1: off
- light.6001948ab626_192168135215: off
- light.guest_room_bedside_lamp_: off
- switch.hallway: off
- switch.office_light: off
- light.entryway: off
- switch.dog_run_lights: off
- platform: hunterdouglas_powerview
That didn’t work because the last line is indented: address: xxxxx should only have 2 spaces. FYI whenever you get an error, it will tell you a line number and character number. Use a text editor to find that spot and fix the issue:
so, your error was caused by line 61 column 12. Column basically means the 12th character.