Proper way to use hadashboard camera widgets with AppDaemon 4

I’m sorry if this is covered elsewhere, there are several threads where people ran into problems with their camera widgets after api_password was deprecated, and as best I could tell there was talk about a fix in AppDaemon 4 but I can’t tell what it is. Also, for my specific situation I’m not using actual cameras, rather I’m using a “still_image_url” to show the current album from spotify, not positive how much fixes for other camera widgets apply to me. I’ve been trying different configs for a few hours now, hopefully there’s a simple AD4 solution:

My camera configuration in home assistant:

  - platform: generic
    name: spotify_album_cover
    still_image_url:{{ states.media_player.spotify.attributes.entity_picture }}

And, my widget:

    widget_type: camera
    entity_picture:{{ }}
    refresh: 5

I used to append &api_password={…} to that entity_picture url and it worked in earlier versions, but now that no longer works.

Should I: Switch to using an entitypicture widget? (Tried, couldn’t get it to work). Switch to using a camerastream widget (Tried briefly but assumed it wouldn’t work in my case since this isn’t a real camera)? Somehow pass a long-lived access token with the request?

I did find someone who set up a proxy webserver to add an authentication header to the request, that seems rather heavy handed, is there an AppDaemon 4 solution to this problem?

Thanks a bunch for the help!

To answer my own question…not sure what I did wrong the first time but the entitypicture widget worked great for me when I tried it again and seems to solve all my problems. As outlined here: