Proposal: HADashboard Skin List

Hey Rene, Is there any way to extract a variables.yaml file from the baked in skins?
The reason I’m asking is that I use the clear_sky skin with my own edits; however, it is meant for HADashboard V2 Beta2 and doesn’t have certain Widget definitions in it’s variables.yaml file. I was able to add my own definitions for a lot of widgets; however, I’m having trouble with the alarm widget.

If I use the default skin (or others shipped with HADashboard), the alarm widget shows up like this:

When clicked, it shows this:

However, with the clear_sky skin using my own background, it shows up like this no matter what size I make the widget and the buttons are not clickable:

I feel like I need to add alarm widget definitions to that skin.
Specifically those for:


That said, I’m not sure if that’s correct thinking or not.


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Dangit! I’m an idiot… I found it here


very logging for ur more excellent works, lots thanks

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This thread needs administering. It is waaaay off topic as the OP wanted a list of skins NOT discussion about skinning. And I imagine most people clicking on this post are looking for what the title says it is.

If you want to discuss other skinning related topics please start another thread. 22 posts in and still not one link to a skin.

Sorry if this seems harsh, but as a long time HA user few things dampen my HA spirit more than wading neck deep in forums only to find no one has actually found the solution promised in a thread title.

IMHO all of these excellent questions/discussions deserve their own threads anyway.

you are right that there has been some off topic things.
and i am sorry that there is no list.

somehow its a little hard to get apps, skins and custom widgets on 1 place.
there are some people that have shared there skins, but they are all over the forum.

I think a list like this may be more suited for a wiki style page instead of a discussion.

or a github addition.

not mine but ticks all the boxes (it does need some dashboard configuration/customization tho)