Proscenic 790T Integration

This plugin has nothing to do with all these security issues, that happened last few weeks. Also, using custom components depends only by your will. No one says this is the best.None says you have to use it. I want to be clear - nothing that I have ever made will ever be added officially in Home Assistant! I wanted - now I don’t want! Use whatever you want, whenever you want, the way you want. But NEVER officially! I have my own, personal reasons about this and this reasons will remain for next many years! I respect people with their needs. I respect all these security warnings. I have nothing in common with them. My work is only about making few devies work together with Home Assistant, especially for my use case. No guarantee, no everything else. Just sharing it with people, that want to use them. I only share what I use for me. This is it. If something is dangerous, I would not use it for me, so I would not share it at all.

Hi mulot35, can you explain me privately how manage the 811gb by hassio?

Hello can proscenic u6 be used with this integration? Can we use Tuya app with this vaccum? I have a cuppon for 133€ if can integrate with HA will be nice addition to my home

Hi there,
i was trying to connect to a proscenic 810t and instantly fail to capture the relevant packets.
i tried packet capture and netcapture on android13 and packet capturing in pfsense opened in wireshark.
i just get files related to godaddy and another cert page. most of the strings in the packets are cryptical with lots of random symbols and slightly readable webaddresses. the other files are ssl and no_data tagged. is there a chance to bypass the encryption or a way to get the required cert?

thanks in advance

anyone issue with log in to the Proscenic offical app for this Robot. There is a problem with connection of this cloud app. No more possible to login.

What i want to use is to see the errors.

Yes, I can no longer use the app to schedule the vac to clean!
Looks like proscenic have dropped us!
Good reason to never buy proscenic again!
Would love to make it work in HA, be a great work around to extend its life while it still works fine.

Any advice for a new one budget cleaner that works with HA?