Protocol version 10 is not supported, using version 9 instead

I just noticed the log in my logs:

“Protocol version 10 is not supported, using version 9 instead”

This is reported by: Source: components/zha/core/

Not sure what this means. The ZHA integration uses a SkyConnect coordinator.

Anyone have any idea what the log means?

You will continue to get that message until ZHA/zigpy developer(s) update bellow library for EZSP v10.

See → EZSP v10 (EZSP PROTOCOL VERSION 10) support in bellows? · Issue #528 · zigpy/bellows · GitHub

What it really means is that you are now using Silicon Labs EmberZNet v7.2 (7.2.x.x) Zigbee firmware which by default uses EZSP v10 (EZSP PROTOCOL VERSION 10) and that protocol version is not yet supported by the bellows radio library which is what the ZHA integration depends on for talking to the interface of Silicon Labs based Zigbee Coordinator / Zigbee stack like the Home Assistant SkyConnect radio adapter/dongle/stick.

That is all OK though since the interface is backwards compatible with EZSP v9 which bellows support.


Thank you for the informative reply. Really helpful!