First of all Id like to explain what a Wildcam is.
Thats a camera you can hang in the trees to photograph and film wild animals.
You can also assembly it to your house, to observe everything whats going on.
It has 3 PIR Motion Sensors, a bunch of infrared LED’s and a Full HD Camera. But unfortunately it has no wifi.
SO I bought a WiFi SD Card from Toshiba, and connected it to my local network. Now I can access the contents of the SD Card via web frontend or network storage (WebDAV). So pretty neat.
But like any camera does, the wildcam saves one Image after another. IMG001.jpg, IMG002.jpg etc. It does not provide a still img_url. So I am confused what component should I use in this case?
How tell home-assistant to show me the latest IMG.jpg, which is actually saved to the SD Card?
Maybe push the IMG to home-assistant?
If you have an idea, please share.