Proximity automation does not work, does not get triggered

Hi folks,

I have

  • defined my home zone “Home” in zones.yaml (geo values below are modified :wink: )
- name: Home
  latitude: 10.1234567
  longitude: 5.1234567
  radius: 30
  • added the link to zones.yaml in configuration.yaml:
zone: !include zones.yaml
  • added the proximity part to configuration.yaml (username below is modified :wink: )
      - person.>username<
    tolerance: 25            # default tolerance in meters: 50
    unit_of_measurement: m   # default unit: km
  • configured my user settings to track my user with my iPhone with entity “device_tracker.>my_iphone_name<“

  • created an automation to set my lamps on based on user tracking when entering the home zone:

description: Zuhause ankommen und Beleuchtung Vorgarten einschalten
  - platform: geo_location
    source: >username<
    zone: zone.home
    event: enter
condition: []
  - service: script.lampen_vorgarten_an
    data: {}
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 2
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: script.lampen_vorgarten_aus
    data: {}
mode: single

Logbook shows, that my user has entered the home zone:

21:02:19 - Vor 16 Minuten
>my_iphone_name< wurde zu Hause erkannt
21:02:19 - Vor 16 Minuten

but the automation “A - Vorgarten Ankommen Beleuchtung an” shows “never triggered”

Does anyone has an idea, what might be missing or wrong?

There is an entry right on top of configuration.yaml… I am not sure if that might disturb:

  name: Home
#  latitude: 10.1234567
#  longitude: 5.1234567
#  elevation: 10
  unit_system: metric
  time_zone: Europe/Berlin
  country: DE

You’re using the wrong trigger. The geo-location trigger is a special trigger only used with Geolocation entities. From what you have shown, you have at least two options:

Zone trigger:

    - platform: zone
      entity_id: person.x
      zone: zone.home
      event: enter

Numeric State trigger using the Proximity sensor you created:

    - platform: numeric_state
      entity_id: proximity.home
      below: 5
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@didgeridrew thanks a lot! That works well now :man_facepalming: :blush:

While changing it, I took the chance to clean up my zone configuration a bit.
So if anyone needs a hint how to set it up, here it is how it works for me now:

In configuration.yaml, at the very top of the file:

  name: home
  latitude: 10.1234567
  longitude: 5.1234567
  elevation: 10
  unit_system: metric
  time_zone: Europe/Berlin
  country: DE

In configuration.yaml, at the end of the file, but above the external configuration file links section:

      - person.>username<
    tolerance: 25            # default tolerance in meters: 50
    unit_of_measurement: m   # default unit: km

In configuration.yaml, at the end of the file, in the external configuration file links section:

zone: !include zones.yaml

In zones.yaml:

- name: athome
  latitude: 10.1234567
  longitude: 5.1234567
  radius: 30

Configured my user settings to track my user with my iPhone with entity


Created an automation to switch on my garden lamps for two minutes based on user tracking when entering the “athome” zone:

description: arrive at home and switch on garden lighting
  - platform: geo_location
    source: >username<
    zone: zone.athome
    event: enter
condition: []
  - service: script.lamps_garden_on
    data: {}
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 2
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: script.lamps_garden_off
    data: {}
mode: single