Hi folks,
I have
- defined my home zone “Home” in zones.yaml (geo values below are modified )
- name: Home
latitude: 10.1234567
longitude: 5.1234567
radius: 30
- added the link to zones.yaml in configuration.yaml:
zone: !include zones.yaml
- added the proximity part to configuration.yaml (username below is modified )
- person.>username<
tolerance: 25 # default tolerance in meters: 50
unit_of_measurement: m # default unit: km
configured my user settings to track my user with my iPhone with entity “device_tracker.>my_iphone_name<“
created an automation to set my lamps on based on user tracking when entering the home zone:
description: Zuhause ankommen und Beleuchtung Vorgarten einschalten
- platform: geo_location
source: >username<
zone: zone.home
event: enter
condition: []
- service: script.lampen_vorgarten_an
data: {}
- delay:
hours: 0
minutes: 2
seconds: 0
milliseconds: 0
- service: script.lampen_vorgarten_aus
data: {}
mode: single
Logbook shows, that my user has entered the home zone:
21:02:19 - Vor 16 Minuten
>my_iphone_name< wurde zu Hause erkannt
21:02:19 - Vor 16 Minuten
but the automation “A - Vorgarten Ankommen Beleuchtung an” shows “never triggered”
Does anyone has an idea, what might be missing or wrong?
There is an entry right on top of configuration.yaml… I am not sure if that might disturb:
name: Home
# latitude: 10.1234567
# longitude: 5.1234567
# elevation: 10
unit_system: metric
time_zone: Europe/Berlin
country: DE