I’ve been trying to get my proximity configuration into a separate set of config files in a subdirectory.
The config see’s the files and tries to load them but I continue to get the following errors:
16-12-13 12:01:01 homeassistant.bootstrap: Invalid config for [proximity]: expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘proximity’]. Got [[OrderedDict([(‘zone’, ‘betabel_home’), (‘devices’, [‘device_tracker.larrys_iphone’, ‘device_tracker.rachels_iphone’, ‘device_tracker.julians_iphone’, ‘device_tracker.larrys_ipad_4’]), (‘tolerance’, 10), (‘unit_of_measurement’, ‘mi’)])]]. (See ?:?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/proximity/
In my configuration.yaml I have:
proximity: !include_dir_list includes/proximity
In:~/.homeassistant/includes/proximity I have:
- device_tracker.larrys_iphone
- device_tracker.rachels_iphone
- device_tracker.julians_iphone
- device_tracker.larrys_ipad_4
tolerance: 10
unit_of_measurement: mi
I’ve tried adding:
zone: redacted_home
to the configuration but no luck.
Any suggestions?
Tanks in advance.