Proximity sensor thinks I am always home (state: 0, zone: 1)

First I want to say how incredible this community is. I am just getting into home automation, and I can’t really wrap my head around that all of this is free. Kudos to everyone involved!

I have set up my Home Assistant and have everything working, except one thing: My proximity sensor does not update. No matter how far I get away from my home zone (default zone set up when configuring HA) the state does not update. It always says 0 m. The zone says that 1 person is home.

I am the only person with a tracker added to Home Assistant right now. I have also added a user for MQTT, if that is in any way relevant to the question. Here is a screenshot of what I am struggling with:

I have read and read and read and tried to do everything suggested before asking here. This is what I have in my companion app logs for location:

09-28 08:54:24.927 12742 12830 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Last Location: 
09-28 08:54:24.927 12742 12830 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Coords:(REDACTED, REDACTED)
09-28 08:54:24.927 12742 12830 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Accuracy: 100.0
09-28 08:54:24.927 12742 12830 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Bearing: 0.0
09-28 08:54:24.928 12742 12830 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Begin evaluating if location update should be skipped
09-28 08:54:24.928 12742 12830 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Received location that is 192 milliseconds old, 1695884064736 compared to 1695884064928 with source fused
09-28 08:54:24.928 12742 12830 D LocBroadcastReceiver: Duplicate location received, not sending to HA

So it seems the app is actually able to get my location. I have also done the following:

  • Location access with high precision activated for app
  • Background activity activated for app
  • No battery optimization activated for app
  • All notifications allowed for app
  • Unlimited data usage allowed for app
  • All of the 3 suggested location settings are activated in the app itself

This is what I have in my configuration file:

      - person.REDACTED
    tolerance: 50
    unit_of_measurement: m

I can manually update the state of proximity.home in the dashboard to get all of my automations running correctly. It’s just that the state is not updating when I am on the move. Not even with the app open.

I am trying to open my garage door automatically when I am driving home.

What can I do to further debug this problem?

Thank you for your time :slight_smile:

EDIT: I have also set up my track device to be my phone under “People”.

I changed from tracking me as a person to tracking my device, but still no change. Then I tried uninstalling the app and setting it up anew. That worked! :slight_smile: