Proxmox and Home Assistant don't agree on how much memory is being used

I’m running HA in a VM on Proxmox, and for the most part it has been pretty stable. This morning I was poking at some other things and noticed that while Home Assistant reports it’s only using 20-50% of the 6GB of memory, Proxmox pegs it at >90%, which is troubling. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might go about reconciling the two and figuring out which one is misbehaving? My suspicion is that the fault lies with the HA OS and not whatever container the main service is running in, but I’m not immediately sure how to tease that apart.

My experience is that if you reboot the VM the memory usage drops to normal and then slowly grows over time. My takeaway is that HA reports it’s personal memory usage while the VM reports HA usage and what the VM uses to keep the environment alive. I do reboot it occasionally as a maintenance thing, but it’s caused no issues regardless.

This has been discussed multiple times in past: you could do a search on the forum.

Unused memory is a waste.

tl;dr You only need to pay attention to the HA reported value, and can safely ignore the ProxMox value.


Never thought of it that way, but you’re right. I still have a Win98 fear of taxing memory… because :arrow_heading_down:

I’ve been around (and on the Internet) long enough to know that it is definitely irritating when people ask questions whose answers they could have searched. I’ve ALSO been around long enough to know that search STILL sucks and it’s entirely possible for a person to have searched and not found an answer within a reasonable timeframe.

Regardless, I really just came here to say that I sincerely appreciate that you felt like you had to be such a prick about this issue that you couldn’t just respond to me in a shitty fashion, but to make the point you had to be shitty to someone trying to help me. Kudos, sir! You’re keeping the stereotype of irritable sysadmin from the 90s alive and well. I tip my fedora to you.


Apparently not long enough to:

If, of course, it’s not a memory leak.

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This is a proxmox thing and not a fault, nor is it exclusively related to HA as you assumed in your first post.

A quick Google search for “proxmox memory” would have given you hundreds of results, simply because it’s one of the most frequently asked questions about proxmox.

I know it can confuse people when starting out - I was concerned about it too when I first saw it. One quick Google search later, and the explanation given was enough for me to stop worrying about it.

It’s not only Proxmox, this is common behavior in other hypervisors also (ESXi for example).