Proxmox / HAOS / Frigate

Hello there,

I’m a perfect beginner so I need some help.

With an semi-old gamer laptop, I want to create a Home Assistant / Frigate / … server like so :

  • A host (the laptop) running proxmox ( :white_check_mark: )
  • A VM running HAOS ( :white_check_mark: )
  • A lxc container (or other) running Frigate with host GPU (for hw acceleration) ( :wavy_dash: )
  • The Frigate “instance” communicates with the HAOS “instance” in order to centralizing stuffs in HAOS. ( :question: )

The host has a decent CPU, 8Go of ram (I’ll see if I can boost it) and last but not least a NVIDIA GTX 850m with 2Go of VRAM.

I’m pretty interested by some expertise :slight_smile:
